Direct purchases to ensure focus. This is an approach taken for some commonly used consumer accessories with large quantities, as well as some special vehicle accessories, accessories that are difficult to purchase in the region or even within the province. Such as our company's heavy-duty trucks Klass, Datong, Hongyan, Steyr, etc., this part of the car is responsible for the main task of production and transportation. The accessories for these models are also difficult to purchase in the province. We formulate Zhou Xiang annually. The plan establishes long-term business contacts with these automobile plants or distribution companies, maintains the stability of supply of spare parts, maintains reasonable seasonal stocks and a certain amount of insurance reserves, enables the parts to enter the factory evenly, and reduces circulation costs and capital occupation. This part of the accessories is very important, but the funds are limited and need to control a certain percentage. Make full use of social stocks, commission procurement or transfer purchasing, and adopt a combination of massive purchases and sporadic purchases. This is due to the fact that our company’s funds are quite tight and that after ensuring the supply of major parts, we have adopted a method for some of the accessories of other vehicles that do not use much. We need a little more for these accessories. We do not buy more or buy backlogs. On the basis of safeguarding supply, inventory reserves have been reduced by more than 100,000 yuan, which has reduced capital occupation and achieved better economic benefits. Close contact with auto parts manufacturers and establishment of supply network at the same time. Close contact with auto parts manufacturers is to reduce the intermediate links. According to the current situation, some urgently needed accessories are used for telecoms and telephones to seek assistance from the production plants. The parts thus obtained have reasonable prices and guaranteed quality, and basically meet the urgent needs of production. However, all parts of each model are directly ordered to the manufacturer. This is obviously unrealistic and does not work. Because the production plant will only produce a certain amount of batches for your production, and we only need only 12, which requires us to establish some parts supply network. Boride Powder,Nickel Boride Powder,Chromium Boride Powder,Thermal Spray Materails Luoyang Golden Egret Geotools Co., Ltd ,