1 Minefield area topographic map The topographic map of the minefield area is a comprehensive drawing that comprehensively reflects the features and features of the minefield. The scale is 1:2000 or 1:5000. The content of the topographic map of the minefield is basically the same as that of the large-scale topographic map, but various types of wellheads, mine boundaries, collapse pits, collapse steps, collapsed water districts, meteorites, and meteorites are added. This figure is the basis for the mapping of the top and bottom of the drawing well and the plan of the mining project. 2 industrial square floor plan The industrial square floor plan is a comprehensive drawing reflecting the production system, production facilities and other natural elements within the industrial square, with a scale of 1:1000 or 1:500. The contents of the industrial square floor plan include: (1) Measurement control points, base points of wellhead cross midline, and indicate point numbers, elevations, etc.; various permanent and temporary construction (structures), including various wellhead locations, various transportation facilities, various pipelines and grids , water supply and drainage and fire protection facilities, various concealed works; (2) The natural form of the surface represented by contour lines and symbols and the unique ground features caused by production activities, such as collapse pits, collapse steps, water accumulation areas, and waste rock mountains (heap); (3) Protect the coal pillar retaining belt and indicate the approval number. The industrial square plan is the basic information for the planning, renovation and expansion of the industrial square and the protection of the coal pillar design. 3 bottom hole yard plan The bottom hole yard plan is a comprehensive drawing showing the distribution of the roadway and diverticulum location and the transportation and drainage system of the main mining level bottom hole yard. The scale is 1:200 or 1:500. The main contents of the bottom floor plan include: (1) Location of each wellhead in the bottom yard, location of each chamber and all roadways, sluice gates, sluice walls and fire doors; slope direction and slope of the track; elements of curved roadway; roadway crossing and slope point ( Or the height of the bottom plate; the position of each pump in the pump room, and indicate the drainage capacity, head and power; the water tank indicates the capacity; (2) The position of the permanent conductor point and the leveling point; (3) A large-scale cross-sectional view with a diverticulum and a roadway, the thickness and material of the lining of the diverticulum and the roadway, the position of the track and the gutter, and the relevant dimensions are marked. The bottom hole yard plan is the basic data for mine production and reconstruction design. 4 mining project plan The plan of the mining project is a comprehensive drawing reflecting the mining activities and geological features of the mining coal seam or mining stratification, with a scale of 1:1000 or 1:2000. The main contents of the mining project plan include: (1) Minefield technical boundary line, protection coal pillar boundary line and other technical boundary lines, and indicate the name and approval number; (2) The roadway in the coal seam and the adjacent roadway related to the mining of the coal seam, indicating the main roadway name and the position of the end of the working face, the inclined lane should be noted the inclination and inclination, the roadway crossing, the slope and the roadway every 50~ 100m note rail or floor elevation; (3) Mark the mining area, the coal mining area and the cancellation or loss area. The mining area should draw the position of the working face at the end of the month. At the appropriate position of each working surface, note the average mining thickness, coal seam dip angle, mining method and mining year. And draw a small column of coal seam; the coal loss area should indicate the reason for coal loss and coal volume; the cancellation or report damage area should indicate the approval number and coal volume; (4) The position of the permanent conductor point and the leveling point; (5) Exploration data and information indicating the burial conditions of the coal seam. Such as drilling and exploration lines, coal seam outcrops and weathering zones, coal seam thinning zones, pinch zone, subsidence column and igneous rock intrusion zone, coal sample points and geological structures such as folds and faults; (6) Important mining safety information. Such as the fire zone, the stagnant water zone, the coal and gas outburst zone, the runoff sand zone, etc., and indicate the time, extent and other circumstances; (7) on the ground of important buildings, residential areas, railways, important roads, rivers and large lakes; (8) Proximity mining engineering and geological data within 100m outside the minefield boundary, small coal mines within the minefield and their mining range. The plan of the mining project is mainly used to command production, timely master the mining progress, understand the geometric relationship with adjacent coal seams, design the mining area, modify the geological drawings, arrange the production plan, carry out the “three-quantity†calculation, etc. The basis for production drawings. The plan of mining engineering is the most basic and important drawing in the production and construction of coal mines. The fourth section of this chapter will introduce the method of reading and identifying the plan of mining engineering. 5 main roadway plan The main roadway plan is a comprehensive drawing that reflects the main roadway and geological features within a certain mining level of the mine. The scale is consistent with the plan of the mining project. The main content of the main roadway plan is basically the same as the plan of the mining project. If the mine only mines one or two layers of close-distance coal seams, the horizontal development system is relatively simple and the requirements of the main roadway plan are drawn on the plan of the mining project. It is not necessary to draw the main roadway plan separately. The main roadway plan provides basic information for mine safety production, mine reconstruction and design, mastering roadway progress and coal seam distribution. 6 well up and down map The upper and lower well maps are comprehensive drawings reflecting the spatial positional relationship between the ground features and the underground mining projects. The scale is 1:2000 or 1:5000. The top and bottom comparison diagram is shown in Figure 16-1. The following should be drawn on the diagram: (1) The main contents specified in the topographic map of the minefield area; (2) Locations of various wellheads (including abandoned wellheads and wellheads mined in small kiln); (3) Downhole yards, transportation lanes, main stone gates, main up and down hills, total return airways and important roadways in the mining area; the working face and its number; (4) Minefield technical boundary line, protective coal pillar retaining belt and boundary line, and indicate the approval number; The upper and lower comparison maps are mainly used to grasp the mining impact of underground mining on the ground, to carry out various engineering planning, village relocation, land acquisition, land reclamation, mine drainage and coal mining in the field. Provide information basis. Figure 1-1 Well up and down map 7 wellbore sectional view The wellbore section is a comprehensive drawing of the rock formation geological features reflected in wellbore construction and wellbore crossing, with a scale of 1:200 or 1:500. The cross section of the wellbore generally depicts the following: (1) The thickness of the support material and lining of the well wall, the position and thickness of the wall seat, and the end of the month at the excavation; (2) a columnar description of the rock formation; (3) elevation notes on the surface (locking), bottom of the well and intermediate levels; (4) the vertical extent of the wellbore; (5) The cross section of the wellbore is drawn, and the main equipment and important equipment in the wellbore and the lifting orientation of the wellbore are drawn; (6) The coordinates of the center of the wellbore, the diameter of the wellbore, the depth of the well, the height of the wellhead and the bottom of the well, the orientation of the wellbore, the start and completion date of the wellbore, and the construction unit are listed in the attached table. The wellbore sectional view mainly provides geological data for wellbore conditions in mine mining, and provides data basis for wellbore deepening design, wellbore equipment installation and wellbore maintenance. 8 main protection coal column diagram The main protective coal pillar map is a comprehensive drawing that reflects the coal seam mining boundary defined by the wellbore and various important building (structures) from mining effects. It consists of a plan view and several profiles along the coal seam trend and inclination. Generally, it is consistent with the mining engineering plane and the main roadway plan. Figure 16-2 shows the coal pillar of the coal mine industrial square. Figure 1-2 Industrial Plaza Protection Coal Pillar Diagram The following should be drawn on the diagram: (1) The horizontal projection line of the intersection line of the object to be protected, the width of the envelope, the contour line of the coal seam floor, the main fault, the sides of the coal pillar and the mining level (or mining coal seam) is drawn on the plan; (2) The profile of the object to be protected, the width of the envelope, the thickness of the formation, the horizontal line of each mining level, the section of the coal seam, the main fault and the boundary line of the protective coal pillar shall be drawn on the section view; (3) The attached table describes the object to be protected and its name and protection level, the parameters used in the design of the coal pillar and its basis, the width of the envelope and the coordinates of each corner point, the grading reserves of each coal seam in the coal pillar, coal pillar Design approval number, etc. Different methods of drawing can be used depending on the complexity of the contour of the object to be protected and the number of coal seams to be mined and the level of mining. When the contour of the object to be protected is relatively complicated, and the coal seam and mining level are both high, the digital elevation projection method should be used to draw the protection coal pillar map. When the contour of the object to be protected is relatively simple, the mining coal seam and the mining level are both small, the vertical section method or the vertical line method can be adopted. Specific methods can refer to the mining subsidence teaching materials. The protection coal pillar map mainly provides information basis for mine reconstruction and expansion design, determination of mining boundary and reserve management of mining coal seam. Galvanized Pipe,Galvanized Steel Pipe,Galvanized Pipe Fittings,Galvanized Iron Pipe Tianjin Gongjiantiangang Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. , https://www.gjalloytube.com