The thermocouple is one of the most commonly used temperature sensing components in the industry. The working principle of a thermocouple is based on the seeback effect. That is, two conductors of two different compositions are connected into a loop at both ends. If the temperatures of the two terminals are different, Physical phenomena that generate thermal current within. Thermal resistance is the most commonly used in the low temperature zone of a temperature detector. Its main features are high accuracy , stable performance. Platinum heat resistance is the highest measurement accuracy which is not only widely used in industrial temperature measurement, but also made a standard benchmark. Thermocouple structure requirements: Caution: When using thermocouple to compensate the wire, you must pay attention to the model and the polarity can not be wrong. The temperature of the compensation wire and the thermocouple can not exceed 100 ℃. Thermal resistance temperature measurement principle and materials Thermal resistance < 1 2 > mercedes benz lights,mercedes benz tail lights,maybach tail lights,mercedes tail light replacement,mercedes tail lights PNP Car Light & SHARLOMAY LTD Company ,
â‘ the thermocouple composed of two hot electrode welding must be strong ;
â‘¡ two hot electrodes should be well insulated with each other to prevent short circuit;
â‘¢ compensation wire and thermocouple free end of the connection to be convenient and reliable;
â‘£ protective sleeve should be able to ensure that the hot electrode and the full separation of harmful media.
Thermal resistance temperature measurement is based on the resistance of metal conductors with increasing temperature to increase the characteristics of this temperature measurement. Most of the thermal resistance made of pure metal materials, the most widely used is platinum and copper, in addition, has now begun using nickel, manganese and rhodium materials such as thermal resistance