At the Consumer Electronics Show in January 2014, Intel’s director Brian Kozynik has laid the ambitions of giant chip makers in the emerging Internet of Things and wearable computing networking market. The company has been late for mobile computing trends and the smartphone and tablet market, and executives have already determined that they do not want to miss this new opportunity. Servo Spindle Motor,Cnc Lathe Spindle Motor,Cnc Servo Spindle Motor,Servo Spindle Motor Cnc Ningbo junfa CNC Equipment Co. Ltd. ,
Intel has established a business unit dedicated to the Internet of Things and created the IoT for the quarks series of chips. It also launched the Galileo and Aidi BioNET networking development platform and demonstrated wearable devices within its scope. From smart bracelets to smart earbuds. On October 21st, Intel announced a $28 million investment to invest in smart devices produced by several Chinese companies. In addition, at the International Consumer Electronics Show, Intel announced the "make it wearable" contest, the best wearable computing design will receive $ 1.3 million in prizes. The chip maker recently announced that 10 candidates were shortlisted and the winners are scheduled to be announced on November 3.