The current geological evaluation criteria for nickel deposits in China are listed in the table below.  Nickel ore general industrial requirements item    Head Ore type and mining method Nickel sulfide ore Nickel oxide- Primary ore Oxidized ore Nickel silicate Pit mining Lucai Boundary grade, Ni% 0.2 to 0.30 0.7 0.5 Minimum industrial grade, Ni%       (based on single project single ore layer) 0.3 to 0.50 1 1 The grade standards for nickel sulphide ore are listed in the table below.  Nickel sulfide ore grade Ore grade name Nickel grade, % Upper limit Lower limit Special rich ore 3   Rich ore 1 <3 Lean ore 0.3 to 0.5 <1 The ore of the nickel sulfide deposit is divided according to the vulcanization rate, that is, the ratio of the sulfide (SNi) to the total nickel (TNi): the primary ore SNi/TNi>70%; the mixed ore SNi/TNi45-70%; the oxidized ore SNi /TNi<45%.  Evaluation criteria for associated components of nickel ore Element name Pt, Pd Os, Ru, Rh, Ir Au Ag Co Se Te unit g/t % content 0.03 0.02 0.05~0.1 1 0.01 0.0005 0.0002
An excavator standard bucket is a type of bucket attachment used on excavators to dig and move materials such as soil, rock, and debris. It is typically made of steel and has teeth or cutting edges on the bottom to aid in digging. The size and shape of the bucket can vary depending on the size and type of excavator, as well as the specific job requirements. Standard buckets are the most common type of Excavator Bucket and are used in a wide range of construction and excavation projects.
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Nickel oxide ore deposits divided by the content of magnesium oxide: iron ore quality MgO <10%; mafic minerals MgO10 ~ 20%; magnesium ore MgO> 20%.
2. Evaluation of the associated component in addition to copper-containing nickel sulfide ore, the platinum group metal is also associated with a metal, cobalt, gold, silver, selenium, tellurium, and other valuable elements, the evaluation criteria shown in the following table.