Crude fiber as a structural carbohydrate, is a relatively crude concept, the traditional method of determination of crude fiber is the sample after digestion by dilute acid, dilute alkali, the remaining components are crude fibers. Precisely because it contains cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, it is called crude fiber. The instrument for measuring crude fiber is called a coarse fiber analyzer. In addition, there is a method for the quantitative determination of cellulose based on the solubility of Vansoest, that is, the neutral detergent (the main ingredient is usually sodium lauryl sulfate) and the acidic detergent (the main ingredient is cetyl trimethyl bromide). Ammonium) The sample was subjected to digestion and the contents of neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and pickling lignin were directly measured. The neutral detergent fiber was an estimate of the total plant cell wall content, mainly including cellulose, hemicellulose and Lignin. Acidic detersive fiber is an estimate of the cellulose and lignin content, and the hemicellulose content of the feed can be estimated from the difference between the neutral detergent fiber and the acid detergent fiber. The determination of fiber content with a fiber tester and the determination of fiber content with medium-acid detergents have their merits. We must consider comprehensively when making specific choices. Pump Set,Pump Set Assembly,Diesel Engine Fenghua Jade Motor Co., Ltd. ,
Rumen has a strong fermenting ability in the rumen, which can better digest and utilize fiber components. The stomach and small intestine of monogastric animals have poor utilization of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. However, in the large intestine, microbes living in the large intestine can ferment cellulose, hemicellulose, and other components, resulting in volatilization. Fatty acids. Similar to ruminants, large intestine microorganisms are difficult to decompose lignin. Studies have shown that lignin content and its degree of binding with cellulose and hemicellulose can affect the utilization of cellulose and hemicellulose by large intestine microorganisms. The degree of utilization of cellulose by monogastric animals varies greatly depending on the source of the cellulose, the degree of lignification, the level of the diet, and the degree of processing. The use of cellulose is also influenced by factors such as the physical and chemical composition of the diet, feeding levels, age and weight of the animal, adaptability to fiber sources, and individual differences in pigs. To determine the appropriate amount of crude fiber in the sow's diet at each physiological stage, various factors must be considered. Pre-pregnancy sows are certainly good at feeding high-fiber feeds. Due to the development of the fetus during the latter part of pregnancy, the sow’s abdominal pressure increases, and the intake of nutrients also increases. Therefore, it is not appropriate to ingest large amounts of feed (high fiber feed), but at the same time constipation should be considered. The fiber content should not be lowered too low. . Lactating sows cannot use low-energy (high-fiber) feeds due to the need for lactation. Feeds with too high or too low crude fiber content can have a considerable effect on the performance of the sow. Especially in the summer, high temperatures coupled with high-fiber feeds cause great heat stress to pigs, and various adverse effects of heat stress are the biggest problems in the pig industry. However, the crude fiber content in the feed is too low, which in turn can cause problems such as constipation, anorexia, and possible gastrointestinal ulcers in sows. According to the sow's different physiological stages, nutritional needs, and the different qualities of feed ingredients, a reasonable mix of diets can better solve the above problems.